A lot has been said and written about the power and importance of positive thinking. It has been emphasized and shown over and over again as among the most effective ways to change and reshape one’s destiny. And it can be!
What has often been left unsaid or even ignored is the power of positive feeling!
Often, people enthused by motivational and self-help literature about the power of positive thinking, try to practice it. However, their efforts are often short-lived and results very small or none at all. Soon, they lose both interest and any belief they might have in positive thinking. The assume it’s either totally hogwash or something that works for some but not for them.
That’s such a tragedy! Without really doing what could result in their ability to transform their lives magically, they are pulled far away from their innate ability to become masters of their own lives and destiny!
Think of two things – consciousness and energy or Shiva and Shakti. In Hindu (Sanatani) systems, Shiva, though he’s acknowledged as Mahadev, without Shakti he is shown to be like a shava or dead body, ineffective, powerless. It’s when Shiva and Shakti are together that creation and creativity, abundance and joy flourish!
Consider thought or the act of thinking as something that’s largely a role of consciousness and feeling or emotions as a role or expression of energy – Shiva and Shakti!
Unless Shakti or the energy of feelings/emotions meet Shiva or consciousness of thought, how can there be creation or creativity, abundance or joy!
For thought to manifest the power it is capable of manifesting, it must have the presence and inclusion of energy of emotions.
While launching into positive thoughts is relatively easy, sustaining it for any period of time and making it effective depends on the energy of positive feeling.
So, how does one change their feelings? How does one imbue positivity into their feelings?
That is apparently a more difficult task. But it can certainly be made easier by understanding why and working on ways to do so.
While Shakti or energy is just that – pure energy – it can be colored by one’s consciousness. Like levels of energy, consciousness also varies and spans the whole spectrum from very low to very high.
The lower chakras viz Muladhara (base chakra) Swadhishthana (sacral chakra) and Manipura (solar plexus) usually tend to generate greater amounts of negative energy or consciousness related to insecurity, fear, guilt, desire, rejection, anxiety and so on.
The more one’s energy is stuck in these lower chakras, the more difficult it is for one to generate positive feelings. It does not mean that lower chakras or levels of consciousness generate only negative energy or consciousness. They can certainly generate positive energy/consciousness, too. However, it may not do so consistently enough to make a huge difference in one’s experiences of life.
The anahata or heart chakra, can similarly generate both positive and negative energy like other chakras but when one’s consciousnes rises it becomes easier to generate positive energy.
So, in that sense, postive consciousness helps generate positive energy and positive energy helps generate positive consciousness.
When consciousness and energy both help each other to rise, the results and their output start to become consistently more positive which translates into a much more rewarding and fulfilling life!
While different spiritual practices all contribute in this in some way or other, learning and practice of rajyoga or pranayama/breathwork and meditation seem to work very fast. Combining them with chanting, knowledge and kriyas makes them super effective.
When positive thinking and positive feeling spiral upwards towards higher chakras, one becomes capable of complete transformation, not only of their own beings but that of many around…
– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539
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