Shiva is highest consciousness and human life is nothing if it’s not a journey towards one’s highest consciousness, the inner Shiva at the inner Kailasa or Sahasrara…

Humans are uniquely positioned among the billions and trillions of life forms, in that they can intentionally work towards higher consciousness, blessed as they already are with potentially many levels of consciousness.

Due to a variety of reasons, including ‘avidya’ or ignorance, most have almost no awareness of the role of consciousness in their lives.

Most humans, merely take their different levels of consciousness as a given and make little to no effort of changing, improving, elevating or raising it.

However, what was very esoteric and hard to learn about in the past has now become much easier to access and learn.

There is enough information and resources right in your hands where you are reading this piece to learn how you can work actively and comfortably on your consciousness.

This piece is, however, focused on the loneliness of the path of those who do set upon it, rather than the simple methods and techniques that may be employed to raise consciousness. Suffice it to say, for now, that Shiva can only be accessed by employing the power of Shakti.

Shakti is not just the stairwell, she’s also the energy needed even to raise a step…

The loneliness of the path towards Shiva or highest consciousness is a given…it’s almost built into it. If you are going to seriously walk towards higher consciousness, naturally, you’ll have to start giving up the baggage of lower consciousness. Think of it as an opportunity provided by Shakti herself or life, to help you dive deep within and work on yourself.

Working on yourself means processing, giving up and changing a lot of your emotions, thoughts, memories etc that keep you tied to lower levels of consciousness. That can only happen when you understand the drama of your mind, emotions, memories etc.

This inner processing, giving up or changing thoughts, emotions, attitudes, memories etc can only happen in a meditative state of being.

While meditation helps, the more important thing is to be in a meditative state for progressively longer periods of time.

To reach meditative states, regular yoga, pranayama, chanting, creative hobbies, nature walks, good music and books etc are necessary. Of all these, becoming aware of the breath, even as one goes about doing different activities, walking etc helps the most.

Being in meditation or in a meditative state is much easier when one is not distracted. The company of people will almost invariably create disturbances and distractions.

Allow the meditative states to bring up old memories, desires etc and watch your own accompanying emotions and thoughts like a witness. That will help you get a better understanding of yourself. Without blaming, accusing or getting tangled in those painful or memories of unfulfilled desires where one normally reacts and creates more ‘negative’ energy (which is basically the stuff of most karmic bondages), be the witness/watcher of your inner processes.

Acknowledge what’s happening within and try and learn the important lessons life is giving you an opportunity to learn. If you imbibe those lessons with clarity, you will be ready to work on the next file and the next and so on, until you’ve cleared many or most…slowly, you’ll keep getting promotions in terms of consciousness.

That means, you will automatically start giving up many old habits, practices, attitudes, thoughts, emotions etc that kept you tied down and stopped you form moving ahead.

Raising consciousness, an apparently painful path while one goes through it, can ultimately bring many rewards. While those rewards are merely indicators or milestones it’s best to keep walking towards higher and still higher consciousness until one merges into Shiva!

Naturally, the blessings and support of Shakti is essential.

Remember, Shakti, helps create opportunities by gifting you ‘aloneness’ which is not loneliness…

Your apparently lonely path to Shiva or highest consciousness is actually not lonely because Shiva quietly guides those who walk towards him!

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539

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