Forget about all moments, whether gone or to come, for a while. Simply be fully aware of the present moment.

Being or becoming fully aware of the present moment is actually one of the simplest things. It’s simply an awareness of your own presence and an acknowledgement of whatever you are experiencing…your own thoughts, responses, feelings etc.

Become a watcher of one’s apparent self!

The moment one becomes a watcher of one’s apparent self, a distance arises between the watcher and the watched.

As you realise, you are really the watcher and not the one watched, the drama that ‘you’ seem to create begins to lose its hold over you. Instead, the real YOU, the conscious awareness that you really are, takes over.

The apparent ‘you’, made up of past karmas, emotions, thoughts, pains, desires, hopes, traumas, anxieties etc are simply baggage you’ve allowed to collect in your being via the mind.

Whenever YOU are in that watcher state, a witness, you rise above all your unlimited limitations. You rise above your apparent self and come closer to your true self.

As a watcher, you can quickly burn immense amounts of karma which is like a heavy anchor that keeps a ship rooted at one place.

When you, as the watcher, take charge of the present moment, you become the captain of your ship of life and not your emotions, thoughts, past incidents, traumas or future worries etc. which normally direct the movement of your life.

Use this power whenever you are in some kind of conflict, anger, pain, trauma, worry etc and acknowledge whatever you’re experiencing without taking ownership of it. Use it also when any strong desire overtakes you….

Soon, you will begin to experience and know the real you, your own power and your ability robrewrite your destiny…

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539

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