A Bouquet of Inspiring Thoughts
Matter is dense is dark is illusion! Love and intelligence are subtle, light, bright and real – rajyogi
As long as energy is located in lower chakras, one will gravitate towards drama and try to trigger and be triggered by base emotions; use breath to move energy higher and avoid the drama of illusions – rajyogi
With all the strange things being done to our food, we’ll need to start doing strange things to our digestive systems. Since we cannot digest and absorb certain things it’s best if our system can at least throw them out ASAP. Since we are 70% water, the systems in our body must flow better to be able to expel unwanted stuff…
That’s where learning deeper breathwork techniques can be immensely helpful…
Breath plays a significant role in thinking clearly and making good decisions…it can move energy towards higher chakras and help activate the ajna chakra and vijnanamaya kosha in time…they both help with clarity, better thinking and best decisions – rajyogi
How can God be far from Breath, the first of which brings life and the last of which ends it? To connect with Breath is to connect with God – rajyogi
The conscience is the voice of the higher self which is not different from the Maker but most human ears cannot hear it; the Breath is God flowing through us and keeping us alive but few can recognise Him here either. Try to stop your breath and you’ll experience the Maker like few can – rajyogi
Most of the time one is likely to receive negative energy. Like a martial arts practitioner, learn to take the energy and without absorbing it, step aside and use it to propel yourself to an advantageous position – rajyogi
Innumerable and incredibly small constituents and parts make up the whole. If the whole is god, how can the constituents not be god? – rajyogi
Notice UNEASE! It’s caused by the drama of the ego-mind-emotion trio. Protracted unease leads to dis-ease. Disease is a condition where a being is unable to heal itself because the systems within don’t function well…all because of the unease created by the drama of ego, mind and emotions – rajyogi
Meditation, yoga, pranayama, hobbies, nature, walks etc all help create a sense of ease. Ease is an antidote against disease – rajyogi
A new born is usually at ease. Look how well it grows and develops so beautifully. Then comes unease as the drama of ego, mind, emotions come into play. Ease begins to disappear…and soon, disease begins to sow its seeds – rajyogi
When you are at ease, look how soft, subtle, relaxed the breath is. When unease happens, consciously allow soft, subtle, relaxed breathing. It will dissolve unease, the precursor to disease – rajyogi
Beware of unease! Unease is a warning of coming dis-ease followed by diseases – rajyogi
Invest in EASE! Don’t buy DISEASE! Unfortunately, that often comes free with the drama of ego, mind and emotions – rajyogi
The sadhus who went through great physical hardships in solitude in difficult terrain did so because they could be at ease within, freed from the unease caused by the drama of ego, mind and emotions which are usually overactive in society – rajyogi
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