Prostate Symptoms And Possible Relief
Some of the major prostate symptoms are:
Frequent urge to pass urine;
Need to get up many times during the night to pass urine;
Blood in urine or semen;
Pain or burning sensation while passing urine.
Painful ejaculation.
Frequent pain or stiffness in lower back, hips, pelvic or rectal area, or upper thighs.
Dribbling of urine.
Some additional symptoms are:
Difficult to start passing urine;
Straining to urinate;
Weak flow of urine;
“Stop-start” urination;
Accidental leakage of urine (urinary incontinence.
These signs could point to a possible flare up related to prostate growth or worse.
In my understanding and observation many, if not most, conditions are somehow connected to blockages in the body’s major systems comprising:
Circulatory/ Cardiovascular System
Digestive System or Excretory System
Immune or Lymphatic System
Urinary or Renal System
Nervous System
Reproductive System
Endocrine System
…to name a few.
All these systems require movement of liquids or semi-liquids. Considering the body is about 70% water, this should not be surprising.
If the systems are not functioning well it could point to inadequate flows in one or more systems.
While the heart and regular movement and exercise aid in the flows, most may not be doing enough. Plus, any kind of stress, tension etc might create rigidity and blockages.
They could easily lead to some systems malfunctioning and not carrying or clearing enough waste around or out of the body.
That means disease or illness of some sort.
Every part, organ and cell in the human body needs the supplies and cleansing services provided by the above-mentioned systems…
So does the prostate. If the nutritional needs of the prostate are not met or if waste matter is not cleared adequately, it could impact the organ and lead it to grow abnormally.
While the actual causes of prostate growth are still not understood, hormonal changes could be responsible. That could point to the endocrine system not functioning well.
In any case, whether it’s the endocrine (analogous to the chakra system) system or some other or a combination of some it indicates, inadequate or improper functioning of the above-mentioned systems.
Wellness or good health essentially needs all systems to function well and with ease.
In this, activating the diaphragm which is among the major muscles in the body is important. When the stomach is relaxed, the diaphragm becomes less rigid and more supple which means it can move with ease.
Belly breathing is the first step on the way to reversing some of the symptoms of prostate enumerated above.
The next step is discovering the various channels of breath and learning techniques to bring the breath to the muladhara (perineum). They can be learnt easily under a breath master or expert.
Once these are done, the next step is to discover and activate the Brahma channel, a channel that runs down near the surface of the body.
As these practices become regular, one will begin to see slow but sure improvements and a concomitant reduction in some of the symptoms mentioned above.
Conditions like ED and PE associated with prostate will also show a definite reversal.
But most importantly, the reversal of some of the symptoms will bring much relief and and hope to the practitioners.
Feel free to contact the author to discuss which of the two programs might suit you most:
SWA-TANTRA KRIYA (a program that dies a lot more than just this)
– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
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