An excellent exchange with an ED Reversal participant who did the program about 18 months ago.

He speaks with obvious pride at having retained his semen despite having intercourse with 2 women about 4/5 times over a period of 38 days.

He also speaks about how it’s helped him gain great mental clarity and how he would like to pursue semen retention to raise his consciousness. That’s the real goal of tantra.

SWA-TANTRA Kriya helps reach that goal easily without even the need for a partner or any external stimulation. Along the way there’s experience of Ananda/bliss without any need or compulsiveness for intercourse…just with the power of breath.

ED Reversal with THUNDERBOLT BREATH helps get back sexual energy and rebuild depleted kundalini.

SWA-TANTRA Kriya helps to channel it to raise consciousness even as it does a lot more along the way…

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+91 7003092539

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