Reduce Kapha or Phlegm Production, Breathe Better.

Excess phlegm in the body can affect and interfere with one’s quality of breath substantially. Inefficient breathing can affect one’s health negatively in innumerable ways.

It’s not without reason that the body needs 10-15 and sometimes even more breaths each minute, esp when one is physically active or exercising.

Any and every little thing done to improve the quality of breath can yield great dividends in all areas of life – physical, mental, emotional, material, spiritual etc.

In Ayurveda, excess phlegm/mucus in the body may be characterised as kapha dosha or kapha imbalance. Those who suffer from kapha dosha or excess phlegm in the body, suffer in many ways. Some common and serious ailments or conditions may be COPD, asthma, coughs and colds in addition to many others. Critically, inability of the body to absorb ‘gifts of breath’ well can lead to different ailments, diseases, conditions and afflictions.

Here are some things one can do to overcome the debilitating condition of excess phlegm in the body.

To clear existing phlegm from lungs and Nadis, Swaskosh Shudhhi Kriya works like a charm. You can find videos for a three-day program on my YouTube channel. Here are links to the latest Swaskosh Shudhhi Kriya (Lung Purification Program) videos:

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3

This has to be an ongoing process. Follow the instructions and soon you’ll notice an improvement in the quality of your breath.

Note, this is to remove existing excess phlegm/mucus. It doesn’t slow or reduce the production of phlegm.

If you can gargle with reasonably but tolerably hot saline water, that helps. If you add salt to a glass of tea liquor and gargle, that’s even better. Those with this problem will gain immensely with regular gargling.

Jal neti and nasya are powerful practices that also help. Read about them online. I’m not detailing these practices as they are well-known and in the interest of keeping this piece a little shorter.

Once this is done for a period and one sees benefits, one might want to go to the next step which is reduction in phlegm in the body.

A powerful practice that I’ve written about before and shared widely is briefly explained below:

Combine the Hanuman Stamina Breath
with some of the well-known pranayama practices explained below:

– Apply a small amount of non-liquid pure cow’s ghee (clarified butter) to both nostrils. Videos shared earlier on YouTube to demonstrate the process

– Practice Bhramari (well-known pranayama practice, easily accessible online) for at least 10 minutes

– Combine Anulom-Vilom or Nadi Shodhan Pranayama where one includes breath holding. Hold the breath for a few moments for both kumbhaks (full breath and empty breath). Do the humming as in Bhramari for each exhale. Do this for at least 15-20 minutes each day.

Naturally, doing these twice a day will yield great results fairly quickly.

For those willing and able to dive deeper, feel free to contact the undersigned and ask to join the SWA-TANTRA KRIYA program which is focused on the Pranamaya kosha and other aspects but combines powerfully with these practices to bring very powerful results quickly.

Remember, the better you breathe the better you’ll function in every way. It’s for this reason, sages, rishis, yogis etc spent so much time, effort and attention on their breath.

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539

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