Ananda and SWA-TANTRA
In a sense, all human activity is a search for Ananda or bliss.
All that humans do, ultimately aims at experiencing or achieving some kind of Ananda, bliss or something that comes close to it.
Almost all human activity seems to promise some sort of Ananda but usually fails to deliver enough of it. And, when experienced, it’s found to be short-lived. Unfortunately, most look for Ananda through external means. While they may be experienced on occasion, they disappear soon enough and leave one thirstier and craving for still some more. Thus, for most the search for Ananda is like a dog chasing its tail. It’s almost within reach…but never quite in one’s grasp…
The great seers and rishis, sages and mahatmas of Sanatan Dharma realised that even spiritual activity aims at experiencing Ananda. But they went deeper and searched and sometimes found states of relatively permanent Ananda. They found Ananda, not in and through anything outside but by removing layers of agyanata (ignorance, darkness) within.
That’s why serious and committed spiritual seekers were given the suffix of ANANDA with an assumed name. Even if they didn’t find it easily, they certainly searched for it…within!
SWA-TANTRA achieves inner cleansing with the power of breath. As the cleansing of Nadis happens, one is able to see and understand himself better. Layers of karmic debris comes to the surface and is swept away with breath, awareness and clarity.
As one goes deeper into his Nadis and discovers and then activates those parts of his being that were never experienced before, one also begins to discover and trigger states of Ananda within…
Ananda in SWA-TANTRA needs no external stimulation or cause other than breath, chanting of mantras and namajapa…
Yes, breath, pranayama, chanting and meditative breathing all bring ANANDA into one’s experience with ease….
Imagine, walking, sitting and doing common every day things in a state of Ananda…
It liberates, it frees and it empowers…
– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
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