Ever noticed a coconut palm tree? High above, twenty, thirty or fifty feet above the ground, among the leaves branching out at the top, hang dozens of big green things. Coconuts!
They are so beautifully packed by nature, not one drop of its precious liquid falls out.
But the real marvel is how so much water was transported so high from underground. I have often stood near a coconut palm tree trying to hear the sound of its pumps as liquid is carried effortlessly up the trunk. Unfortunately, i could never hear a thing.
Scientists say, a principle called osmosis carries all that water forty, fifty feet up…and usually, we don’t see any of that water leaking out of the trunk either.
Osmosis must be a powerful principle that allows water to move up so high and so effortlessly.
Perhaps, osmosis requires the trunk of the tree to be in a certain way so that this movement against gravity is accomplished easily.
I’m no scientist, but i wonder at nature and its amazing abilities on occasion.
So, what’s the point, you might wonder! Meditation…coconut trees, osmosis…
I wonder what makes meditation so powerful…because when we meditate regularly, our energy which is normally stuck in the lower chakras moves up towards the higher chakras and even to the ajna and sahasrara.
I notice when we are meditative, we are also at a level of greater ease. This being at ease seems to happen almost automatically when we are meditative.
Being at ease relaxes our systems that do the pumping of fluids around. With this easing the Nadis, vessels, veins etc come to a state of less resistance and allow movement within to happen with relative ease.
That is why when we meditate regularly, we don’t only feel energized but also more aware and as if the systems have had some sort of servicing…we feel lighter, healthier, happier, unburdened, calmer and so on…
That is why we must meditate…if we become meditative like a coconut tree, our energies will move higher and activate the upper chakras…
When upper chakras become more active, our attitudes, interests, abilities, clarity, creativity etc all seem to improve and that leads to a massive upgrade in the quality of our lives.
To meditate is truly give ourselves an upgrade, a promotion in consciousness and what we achieve and leave behind as a legacy…
The truly regular and committed practitioners will achieve more as the grosser aspects of their beings drop away like dead skin. Instead, what grows there may be a certain luminosity, grace, charm and lightness…
– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)
+91 7003092539
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