The highest symbol of spiritual heights is the highly venerated Shivalinga! The Sivalinga is not just a phallic symbol as many mistakenly assume. While it is that, it’s a lot more, besides!

The Shivalinga symbolizes Mahadeva at the peak of ecstasy…and Mahadeva is inseparable from his Shakti. It’s in their oneness that Shakti rises and raises…and it’s that peak that sadhaks and spiritual seekers aspire to!

There are some things that are best hinted at and the power of sexual energy is only hinted at in Sanatan Dharma. Instead of talking about it at length, the Shivalinga was/is placed in every locality and area to inspire and guide the perceptive and willing souls without dwelling at length on the reasons thereof. Those that practice/d Tantra seized upon the significance and opened their hearts and minds to its power.

In the process, many were so deeply attracted to the supreme ecstasy that their lives became dedicated towards that end, forfeiting their interest in other social activities and goals.

In a sense, they were willing to become ‘lost’ souls to society which often tended to look upon them with a mixture of distrust, awe, fear, mystery and many other mixed emotions.

Some of these practitioners were happy to be misjudged, misapprehended and even denigrated because it gave them the supreme freedom to do as they liked, explore as they chose and live as they felt guided!

Naturally, they lost something but they also gained something…many experienced prolonged periods of heightened ecstasy. It was those periods that they worked towards…

Unfortunately, the mainstream stayed at an arm’s length and more, often unwilling to be seen with them or to be identified with them.

Deep in their sadhanas, many discovered strange mystical practices that seemed powerful and capable of achieving almost anything.

For many the Shiva-Shakti union was physical and external but there were also those who experienced it right within their own beings. Those who discovered the power of their breath and learnt ways to channel it through their beings, discovered the greatest bliss within without any aids, partners, substances or tortuous practices…it was as if their breath brought to them all that they needed.

Some used their insights, some misused them and as usual, society often gave a lot of value to those that gained notoriety for their practices and powers.

Main point of the piece is not to dwell on them but on what the peak of ecstasy does to any seeker.

It rewires him. It’s almost as if one is able to reinvent oneself. How he uses his new reality naturally depends on a mix of a million reasons but most importantly, his perception becomes totally different as do his goals and where they take him physically, mentally, spiritually and energetically depends totally on how Shiva-Shakti guide them.

Next time you visit a Shiva temple, go there not just to worship the Shiva Linga but to become aware of the powerful consciousness residing in you. Once Shakti rises towards her Shiva, you’d best stand aside and watch as ecstasy begins to take over.

And, remember, Shiva is not limited to the temples…let your being become Shiva’s temple…and let Shakti entwine herself into her Shiva…

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)

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