No matter how big a ‘waste’ an effort appears to be it’s still energy and energy is known to not be destroyed.

We think of an effort as being a waste because we expected something in return, a result, an outcome. But remember Krishna’s words in the greatest of words of advice in the Bhagwadgita?

There’s a lot He says but one of the important takeaways is that karma must ideally be done without expecting anything in return. It may be dedicated to him or to a higher power, god…

Is not effort Karma? And the fact that karma was done, is in itself indicative of effort that’s at least settling some previous karmic ‘debts’.

Instead of focusing on the expected results which are naturally tied to desire which in itself is responsible for creating more karmic debt, one may just take pleasure in having made the effort.

It doesn’t really matter whether the effort is bringing in results already!

Now, if we look deeper, we might notice that very often our erstwhile ‘wasted’ efforts are bearing some results in some way! Isn’t that a Prasadam from Krishna?

Often, for example, we learn things hoping they will create a certain outcome but it doesn’t happen! Instead, sometime in the future it helps open a doorway, a path to something when we really need an extra push from somewhere!

We may not realise it, but it is that ‘wasted’ effort from some time in the past that’s bearing fruit!

We’ve heard of inspiring stories, for example, how our ancestors did something for someone or for society whether as charity, donation, help etc in the past and suddenly someone appears who may have benefited from that (to-some-people-wasted) effort and in gratitude he does something meaningful for us…or at least, remembers and recalls and somehow facilitates us in some way.

That’s the power of all effort!

Think of ‘wasted’ effort as dropping coins into a piggy bank. You never know when it comes in handy!

Happy effort-ing…with a smile!

Rajesh Kanoi (rajyogi)

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