That which is subtle controls that which is gross. We have a body but the body on its can do nothing unless energy moves it. Energy is subtler than matter or body. Mind is subtler than energy and mind directs or controls how energy is used. Intelligence is subtler than mind and when intelligence controls the mind, one’s decisions, choices, actions become more refined.

Higher or subtler than intelligence is awareness and when awareness directs intelligence, naturally intelligence works better. It makes better decisions and choices.

If we want to free our minds without which we really cannot reach anywhere near our highest potential, we must try and start from the subtlest position we can access.

If we have come to a certain level of awareness and use that to make better choices with intelligence, naturally it directs us in ways that our mind works to our advantage, instead of sabotaging itself and our lives in the process.

The mind ensures our energy is used optimally and in those areas that fulfill us most…in the longer and longest terms!

We align and use our resources so that we get the best results from life. In essence, life is basically time and energy! If we use our time and energy in the right way, we move towards our highest potential.

To unsabotage the mind or to free it involves inner work! We need to become super aware of all that is going on inside us. All that is going on inside is reflected in and by the mind.

If we start becoming acutely aware, and that is possible through being more and more observant/watchful of all that is happening inside, we begin to understand how our energy is moving. Emotions are basically a combination of memory and energy…like seeds. So, in that sense, emotions are the seeds that create future crops of experiences which create more emotions and so on…that’s the cycle. Get it?

If it’s a good cycle with lots of positive emotions and a happy rewarding life, that’s great! But, ultimately, like all things finite, it has to end some day. And, even the bank balance of good karma comes to an end. Then starts the possible descent…into hell!

Hell is right inside us! It’s in our minds! It’s a creation of our minds and we suffer it inside our minds, too!

And, hell can be easily avoided if we start becoming acutely aware of our emotions. We need to simply watch our every single negative emotion, in particular, and watch it closely!

The more closely we watch every negative emotion that rises like a tide in us, the less it becomes able to submerge us. We surf those tides with awareness.

As the awareness, the constant watching over of (negative) emotions continues, they begin to subside. It may take weeks, months, years or even longer for some. But once the process starts and we ensure it continues, we will win!

This victory is the greatest victory of our lives because this is the hardest battle…war! It’s a battle for the mastery of over our minds. And, it’s fought between the ego and the higher self. That awareness is nothing but the higher self. And, that lack of awareness or darkness is the ego.

Once this war is won, you’re truly on the way to fulfilling yourself in far more ways than you can imagine. You are bound to reach the peak of an ever-rising highest potential.

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)

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