It’s common knowledge that men stray…many men, most men!

What’s not common knowledge is the secret reason! Instead, it’s conveniently and unfairly assumed that men usually are just not loyal enough!

Actually, the problem really starts when a man finds he’s not able to measure up to his partner’s needs! She’s ready, willing and keen!

But something does not RISE to the occasion! Once, twice and yet again!

And, bam! Something shatters deep inside! There’s neither sound nor shards and edges lying around. It’s that thing called EGO!

A man’s sense of self is closely linked to his sexuality! Actually, so is a woman’s! But that’s a story for some other day!

When a man is not able to keep it up in bed and failure surprises him stealthily, he starts getting very fidgety inside! It’s not that his erections have deserted him completely yet! They’re there! They do show up on occasion! But when really called upon to display his prowess, it hangs its head in shame!

Literally! Figuratively! And in all other possible ways!

He’s failed where it mattered and yet the spark is there somewhere inside! And, the spark lights a fire in new environs! Those are environs where there is no baggage of expectations, judgements or previous history – where he is accepted, invited or welcomed for a unique set of reasons! And, there he performs! It may not be his best! But there’s something!

Actually, the story began long ago when he was unable to contain his excitement. Over stimulated with porn, other stimuli and an unsatisfied mind in search of the next thrill, his performance was like a phooljhadi that quickly drained him.

His usually unsatisfied partner slowly began to lose interest in an act that had little to offer her. She would dutifully submit on occasion. But without anything to offer except a release!

So, sex became an unfulfilling act where there was some release for one but nothing much other than that, especially not for her!

And then started the extinguishing of that spark that once would light them both up! Sex became mechanical, unexciting and even boring!

Energy started drying up and the man’s system, in particular, started getting filled with blockages. Soon, even erections started to disappear!

Then, on occasion, when his partner suddenly felt something and hoped to reignite that old spark, he failed in that most crucial moment!

Again and yet again!

That’s where we were when we digressed!

Now each of these episodes leads to guilt, shame, loss of faith and respect for oneself! Yet, there’s a relatively very satisfied ego! It’s satisfied because his manhood was able to rise to the occasion!

By this time man throws all caution to the wind! He looks around, even while his potency continues to drop and flag! Then come those drugs and medicines, snake oils and hush hush suggestions on what can help him rise! Sometimes, some of them help for a while and then even they have no effect! Many actually leave him far worse off than before! Many do have terrible side effects!

And, while all this goes on a small drama is enacted in the master bedroom!

A man who fails to rise to the occasion often becomes a terrible man, perhaps the worst version of himself especially if his spam expresses her dissatisfaction.

His behavior towards her becomes bad, she starts looking for something somewhere from someone….anyone!

Get the picture?

Both play a role in this descent into dismay, pain, depression and worse!

Yet, something as simple as breathing right can change it – for both!

She needs to make him feel better about himself! And, she alone can help him!

He needs to make her feel more loved!

And, both can easily satisfy each other, fulfill each other a lot more if only they learn how to manage and direct their energy systems!

And this is all easily available in the ED Reversal and ED Reversal + with the THUNDERBOLT BREATH programs.

Rebuild your relationships and lives! Rebuild your energy and trust and help fulfill each other!

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)

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