Depression Insights

1. Depression is a call from deep inside your being to awaken to the reality you’ve long ignored;

2. Depression is a sign that the one in apparent control has ceded responsibility. The one in apparent control is the ego;

3. The ego has a role…a limited role to help one navigate through an external reality. To assume the only reality is the external one is to miss the glaring fact that reality is far more an internal thing than an external one. And the ego has almost no real positive role there (inside);

4. Can the ego cause the heart to beat, blood to circulate or food to digest? The most critical functions of the body work best in the absence of any direct role there by the ego;

5. Depression is the ego not acknowledging that it really has no power;

6. Depression is a cry from deep within for help…a cry muzzled by the ego;

7. Depression is the ego trying to hold on to its self-importance in the face of a clear awareness within that it really has zero importance;

8. Depression is denying a changed and continuously-changing reality;

9. Depression is an extremely hungry ego, starving to death in the face of one’s inability to feed it the attention it craves;

10. Depression is a final cry for attention by a big ego. Unfortunately, a big ego is like a dinosaur in a famine. There’s never enough for it to feed on and it dies an excruciating death.

11. Depression is basically too much of ‘Me’ which quickly transforms to ‘Poor Me’.


If that’s the problem, what’s the solution?

The solution is a very simple movement of attention away from the mind-emotion-ego combo to the higher reality! But that’s not something the ego accepts easily!

– rajyogi (rajesh kanoi)

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